Yesterday, 2008 Presidential hopeful Barack Obama won the Iowa Caucuses, taking 38% of the vote to John Edwards' 30% and Hillary Clinton's 29%. The results solidified Obama as a real contender to win the Democratic nomination and eventually the General Election. Many on the Right, however, have realized the Obama threat a while ago, and haven't waited until the General Election to start smearing him. His supposed inexperience, his position on Pakistan, his sex education policy, even his choice of fashion accessories. But a somewhat more subtle, and in my opinion irrelevant, tactic has been to question Obama's religion. While some have chosen to attack Obama's church, essentially lumping the Trinity United Church of Christ in with Jim Jones, David Koresh, the Reverend Moon and Tom Cruise, others have taken a different approach: prove to the world that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
- Conservative website peddled a since-debunked story that Obama was educated at a Madrassa, a Muslim seminary school, and attributed the false story to the Hillary Clinton campaign.
- In a December, 2007 interview with Good Morning America, Right-wing pundit Glenn Beck "mistakenly" referred to Obama as "Osama" before correcting himself. "Unfortunate name," was Beck's excuse for the supposed flub.
- Conservative published an article on December 26, 2007, using discredited accounts of a childhood acquaintance to answer that age-old question, "Was Obama Ever a Muslim?"
- Debbie Schlussel has devoted at least three blog posts to cracking the case of Obama's secret Muslim identity. In Schlussel's view, we should apply Islamic law:
In Arab culture and under Islamic law, if your father is a Muslim, so are you.
And once a Muslim, always a Muslim. - Schlussel later outdid herself, posing the question of whether Barack Obama was a "man we want as President when we are fighting the war of our lives against Islam? Where will his loyalties be?"
- Bernard McGuirk, former executive producer of Imus in the Morning, criticized Obama for having a "Jew-hating name." Really.
- Radical right-wing website, states that Obama has been "a Muslim for 31 years."
- CNN Correspondent Jeff Greenfield suggested that Obama and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad somehow have similar tastes in fashion, adding:
Now, it is one thing to have a last name that sounds like Osama and a middle name, Hussein, that is probably less than helpful. But an outfit that reminds people of a charter member of the Axis of Evil?
- In an apparent slip of the tongue, presidential hopeful Mitt Romney committed the common mistake of confusing Obama with Osama bin Laden:
Actually, just look at what Osam—Barack Obama—said just yesterday. Barack Obama, calling on radicals, jihadists of all different types, to come together in Iraq.
- Rush Limbaugh referred to the Senator as "Obama Osama" no less than seven times during the June 11, 2005 edition of his radio program.
In addition to these concerted efforts to link Obama with Islam, the somewhat more innocent practice of using Obama's full name, Barack Hussein Obama, has become part of the right-wing canon. While I'm sure Obama appreciates the courtesy, the fact that these conservatives fail to refer to other politicians by their full names makes it clear that the real, not so innocent, intent is to make Obama appear more Muslim. The following pundits have all used this tactic:
- Ed Rogers, former advisor to Bush, Sr.
- Ann Coulter
- Richard "Bo" Dietl, frequent Fox News "analyst"
- Rush Limbaugh
- Chris Matthews
- Bill Bennett
- Bill Cunningham, conservative radio talk show host (actually falsely added "Mohammed" to Obama's name to give it some extra Muslim flair)
While the attacks by the "professional media" have been petty enough, those lobbed at Obama by Joe Righty have been truly idiotic:
- "There's no way that anyone with the middle name 'Hussein' could rise to that level of power in the United States without being the devil, in my opinion." - caller on The John Gibson Show
- "He's not open about being a practicing Muslim." - poster validuscustodiae on
- "Hussein Obama is a dangerous covert muslism." - poster huckabeefan on
- An email circulating in 2006 claimed that Obama's father was a "radical Muslim" and that Obama swore his oath of office on the Koran, both outrageously false.
- Conservative "blog," (to put it nicely), claimed that "Barack Obama is a MUSLIM. No ifs ands or buts," and placed this tasteful picture of Obama in front of the burning World Trade Center on the website:
Why is this a big deal? Well, it shouldn't be. A candidate's religious background means almost as little to me as his or her middle name. But as I'm beginning to discover, I'm not always like most Americans. A Pew research survey conducted in 2007 found that 45% of Americans would be less likely to vote for a candidate who is a Muslim.
I'm not defending anyone's attempts to identify Obama with Islam. His detractors should aim at something else, like his policy positions.
Having said that, I disagree that being a Muslim (which Obama, admittedly, is not) should be of zero concern to anyone. I can understand why a Muslim holding public office would bother people. The Koran has some pretty ghastly endorsements of butchering the infidel. And the people most interested in slashing our throats all belong to that faith. I've noticed that Buddhists don't blow themselves up in shopping centers. Neither do Hindus. It's always practitioners of Islam. (I realize that I'm not supposed to notice that, but I'm just observant.)
I'd be concerned, therefore, if a bearded man in a turban reciting prayers from the Koran were boarding a plane with me (you would, too). And I'd also be concerned if he were being elected to some high public office.
There's nothing wrong with feeling that way.
But I do have a question for you. Which group concerns and disgusts you more: (1) Republicans, who hold political views contrary to yours, or (2) jihadist Muslims who want to decapitate you?
(I'll bet I know the answer.)
I don't understand what kind of question that is. Serious or silly? If you left it with just the question - as sort of rhetorical, I would assume that's what it was, but because you added the speculation at the end, it seems like you expect - well I don't know what you expect because if you're right, it's a pretty safe bet and there's no use in betting at all.
Finally, here's a hypothetical question for you, Steve: Would you rather vote for a non-Muslim candidate that sought to impose his religious views upon you, or a Muslim candidate that did not?
OK, you've got me. I'd rather vote for the latter.
By the way, that was a good answer to a smarmy question. I didn't realize what an obnoxious jerk I sounded like until I reread this today.
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