Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Where are all the conservative bumper stickers???

Recently I've seen a lot of bumper stickers on cars espousing a variety of political views. Interestingly (at least where I live) these stickers almost exclusively portray "liberal" sentiments or values. From "War is not the answer" to "Impeach Bush," liberals have cornered the market on bumper self-expression.

I started to imagine examples of possible "conservative" bumper stickers, and as I did so, I started to understand why you don't see very many. Almost every conservative slogan or talking point I could conceive was either ridiculous or just downright offensive when I imagined it prominently displayed on one's vehicle. Perhaps "Pro Life" is fairly innocuous, probably only offensive to abortion doctors and victims of a rape-induced pregnancy. And conservatives don't own the American flag, so only bumper stickers that are belligerently patriotic could be considered to be "conservative."

With that in mind, I thought I would utilize some free time at work - along with the Microsoft Paint program pre-installed on my PC - to provide some examples some of the more ridiculous and inconsistent conservative values:


Anonymous said...

This is awesome! I've often wondered the same thing - why do most bumper stickers seem so left-wing or environmental? Now I see why. You hit it right on the mark. How about some more stickers, brought to you by those who are trying to convince us that there's no "global warming" and the environment is just a-ok.

Anonymous said...

Uhh, maybe conservatives don't need to advertise their beliefs with a cutesy slogan. And sorry to disappoint you, but there hasn't been any global warming in a decade. A-ok or not, not everybody is fully on board with the concept that human activity is driving the climate.

One last thing. Given the mindset of the typical liberal, it is just an invitation to get one's car keyed by some nasty little miscreant intolerant of opposing viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! You sir are a genius.