This week, 2004 presidential runner-up John Kerry formally endorsed Barack Obama for the Democratic nomination in 2008. That makes Democrats wonder, "Is that a good thing?"
Let's remember that John Kerry managed to lose to George W. Bush, one of the worst presidents in the history of the United States. Currently, Bush enjoys a roughly 30% approval rating, and since the 2004 election, Republican have lost control of both houses of congress. Kerry has been criticized (and rightfully so) for not responding to the Swift Boat Veterans' smear campaign and not challenging very questionable election day discrepancies and Republican-led voter suppression.
I'll admit, I voted for the guy, but I worry that he carries with him a "loser's persona." I think Obama is a great candidate, and I hope he or John Edwards wins the Democratic nomination. But above all else, the Democrats must take control of the White House, and I'm concerned that if Obama wins the nomination, Kerry will not necessarily help his cause.
I could be wrong, and I hope I am, but no one likes to back a loser, especially in America. Whether it's fair or not, Kerry lost in 2004, and did very little to fight for what was likely stolen from him. I just hope he lends his support "behind the scenes" and lets Obama bear the brunt of the campaigning. And I hope this year Kerry will refrain from attempting any "jokes" while on the campaign trail.
I put together this montage to commemorate the failed Kerry presidential bid. Enjoy.