Judge for yourself. (Courtesy of Media Matters)
Bill O'Reilly: "I mean, look, if you were to make up a guy, this would be the guy, you know, that looks presidential. He's got the jaw going on, the little gray thing in there. And I think that means a lot in America."
Dennis Miller: "Not only does he look good. He's good at what he does."
The Politico's Roger Simon: "Strong, clear, gives good soundbite and has shoulders you could land a 737 on."
The Politico's Roger Simon: "Romney has chiseled-out-of-granite features, a full, dark head of hair going a distinguished gray at the temples, and a barrel chest."
Newsweek: "The former governor of Massachusetts and candidate for the Republican presidential nomination is so buff and handsome in late middle age that when a brochure from a recent campaign showed him standing, bare-chested, on a swimming float, he was accused of sexually pandering to women voters."
Chris Matthews: "He looks like a million bucks. Everything is perfect. Everything about him is perfect -- his look, his manner, everything, the shirt, never rolled-up sleeves, the tie always tied."
One might expect such astute coverage of national affairs from the likes of Tiger Beat, but we're talking about "respected" members of the mainstream press. Of course, the point is not that all mainstream media is gay, or that Romney appeals to the closeted gay political pundit. The point is that the media is trying its hardest to deflect America's attention away from the real issues and towards nonsense about Romney's "barrel chest." It's sad, really. When compared to a guy like Dennis Kucinich, a small, modest-looking Progressive Democrat with a lot of ideas, it's sad to think that Romney is seen as the better candidate. What ever happened to appealing to the average American? Most Americans are overweight and unattractive. Why isn't Dennis Hastert getting more buzz for '08?
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