Scouring the pages of her blog can yield countless examples of moronic right-wing rants. If that weren't enough, the dearth of comments left by her readers is even more hysterical.
Despite consistently lacking both knowledge and integrity, Ms. Schlussel truly distinguished herself following the April 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech University. As Media Matters documented, Schlussel quickly proposed that the school shooting was perpetrated by Islamic terrorists. How did she come up with this conclusion?
(Her analysis in quotes):
1. "The murderer has been identified by law enforcement and media
reports as a young Asian male"
2. "The Virginia Tech campus has a very large Muslim community, many of which are from Pakistan."
3. "Pakis [her word] are considered 'Asian' "
4. "Were there two [shooters] and was this a coordinated terrorist attack?"
Wow. In just four easy steps, we went from a young asian male to a "coordinated terrorist attack" perpetrated by Pakistani Islamaic extremists. Now that's deductive reasoning Sherlock Holmes would be proud of.
If that weren't enough, Schlussel then found time for some good old-fashoined fear-mongering:
"[e]ven if it does not turn out that the shooter is Muslim, this is a demonstration to Muslim jihadists all over that it is extremely easy to shoot and kill multiple American college students."
As we all recall, the attack was carried out by a mentally ill student. I kind of feel sorry for Ms. Schlussel, because she really wanted it to be a terrorist attack. Imagine the disappointment in her face when she learned of the lone shooter's true identity. Rat's! Another attempt to spew conservative propaganda foiled!
Unfortunately, you cannot see the original posting from Schlussel or subsequent postings by her loyal conservabots. Why? Because after Media Matters critiqued her journalistic integrity, Schlussel removed the entire post from her website. Rather than apologize for the poor journalism, racial slur and fear-mongering, she decided to put in it's place a petty jab at Media Matters:
"I've removed this entry, mostly because I am spending too much time monitoring the slimy comments from the Nazi-infested Media Matters for America cretins."
Very nice, Debbie.
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